Longmeadow Rescue Ranch Volunteer Day
On Sunday, April 16th our ADB Community team members partnered up with #KeeleyCares to volunteer their time out at the Longmeadow Rescue Ranch located in Union, Mo.
The ranch provides a safe haven for thousands of farm animals who have been neglected and/or abused. The ranch provides the best of care from experienced staff and devoted volunteers who provide special food, specialized rehabilitation, medical supplies, as well as safe and secure housing in an environment suited for their specific physical needs.
This is one of our most anticipated community events of the year and a fantastic opportunity to bring the whole family out to help. With the assistance from employees, friends, and family our group accomplished a lot during their visit. Our volunteers helped clean stalls, feed animals, use our excavating equipment to move important items needed to care for these animals, and most importantly took time out to show these farm animals some TLC.
We had quite the turnout and with all hands on deck, including an ADB excavator we got our hands dirty to care for these fun-loving farm animals. HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who came out and got muddy for a great cause.
Learn more about Longmeadow & how you can volunteer here: https://longmeadowrescueranch.org/