Team Member Spotlight: John Naccarato
ADB is full of passionate and dedicated team members that have been with the company since the beginning. John Naccarato, Senior Vice President of Business Development, joined the ADB family in 2005 and has been instrumental in facilitating the exponential growth that ADB has experienced over the past few years. His ALL IN mentality drives our success and world-class culture.
John values his journey with ADB immensely and he still feels as if he is just getting started. The empowerment he has felt at every level of his career at ADB is something he thinks everyone should be excited about. Every A-Team member, regardless of position, can express their ideas and grow their career in ways they didn’t know were possible. Since joining the team, he has always felt that he has the freedom to build his division and pursue customers that he thinks will best benefit the company. Most times, this has been successful for him, but when something hasn’t worked out, his team and leaders have given him the support and resources he needs to grow and move forward.
“You always dream that you can get in on the ground floor of an opportunity and be part of a team to grow that into something you can be proud of and leave a legacy. When I started with ADB back in 2005, we were a small drilling company doing about $20M a year. As 2021 nears an end, we are on path to do $420M. This is something I am proud to say I’m a part of!”

John has been in the industry since he graduated from college. He went to school for engineering because he enjoyed the design aspect and his first job was engineering and drafting long haul fiber routes for MCI back in 1983. After 19 years on the design side of the business, John decided to make the switch and in 2003 he joined the teams that were constructing those routes he once engineered. For him, being able to say he was part of a team that built something that makes a difference in a community and has an extremely important function is very rewarding and gets him excited to come to work every day. This excitement motivates him to not only help bring in the best business possible for ADB, but to find great people to grow his team. If he could give one piece of advice to those wanting to join the industry, it would be:
“There is such a need for our services right now and the demand for fiber is exponential. Find a company that you fit with culturally, like ADB. Don’t work as hard as your competition, work harder! Always be a team player and never be afraid to voice your opinions.”
John has seen just about every side of the business and has learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way. The most important lesson he has learned is one that his parents instilled in him as a child – hard work pays off. He has lived by this his entire life and after being in the business for 38 years, he has always had a great job and made some lifelong friendships. After 38 years, John doesn’t want to slow down, he wants to forge ahead and help ADB achieve their vision year over year. The COVID-19 pandemic presented a unique opportunity for the industry as it showed the world that there hasn’t been enough bandwidth for people to do the things that have now become so commonplace – remote learning, eCommerce, social media, texting, and even phone calls. This need for improved infrastructure and need for ADB’s services lights the way for a bright future ahead.
John works hard to live by ADB’s core values – SACRIFICE – and if he had to choose, he has two favorites: Integrity and Customer-Centric. Most people would think that Customer-Centric would be his favorite due to the nature of his position in Business Development, but he has always tried to live his life full of integrity and as a man of his word. This dedication has certainly played a part in getting him to where he is today. He believes that ADB is his career destination and thinks that any would be proud to call ADB home.
“There are a lot of companies that say they do what we do in the industry, but very few live and breathe their mission and promote their core values like ADB. I would say anyone that loves to be held accountable and wants to grow the career, there truly is no better place to work than ADB. I like to tell our customers, ‘We are often imitated, but never duplicated.’”
John, thank you for your passion for growth and for truly being ALL IN for everything ADB. You have directly contributed to our growth and success, and we cannot wait to see all you accomplish in the coming years!